Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lock up your outlets!

Max has been working on the fine art of crawling for a while now. When he's in his crib or on our bed he's all over the place, hands and knees motoring around. But he's been having trouble getting up on his knees while on the floor where there isn't as much traction. Today he mustered through the frustration of slipping around and got himself up and moving about. As the day wears on he's gotten better and better.

Because Max has gross motor delays we're even more excited by milestones like this one. He's about 4 months behind his corrected age in terms of gross motor skills. So, while he's 17 months old, and just about 14 months corrected, he's meeting gross motor milestones that most 9 or 10 month olds are hitting. He's getting there on his own time, just as he's been doing all along. We couldn't be happier with his progress and hard work.

He's pretty excited by his new found mobility too!

Friday, November 4, 2011

BOO!! My Thanksgiving and Halloween highlights.

I've been having a lot of fun lately! Mum says that even though it's getting cold and we have to spend a lot more time inside, that fall and winter are a lot of fun because there are lots of cool holidays to celebrate. Celebrating means having fun with family and lots of food. I might not get too excited about the food yet, but the family part is great! My Mum's Grandma - that makes her my Great Grandma (and she's super great!) - came to visit us from far away. It was great getting to see her, because the last time she came to visit I was still in the NICU and I don't remember too much of her visit. This time we got to play and it was so much fun. I even got a new toy!

Me and Mum waiting for dinner. Mum said it was delicious - I'll take her word for it.

This is me and Mum with my Great Grandma!

G-Grandma won't be here for Christmas, so she brought me Christmas early! Look at my new farm!

Taste testing the sheep while G-Grandma frees the rest of the farm from the packaging.

Okay Mum, enough with the pictures.

After Thanksgiving came Halloween. I'm told this might be confusing to our American friends and family, but that's the way it goes in Canada. This was my second Halloween, but this was my first one out in the big wide world, and therefore much more fun. I got to go visiting people, and I even went Trick or Treating with my cousins. That's where you yell at people's doors and they give you candy. I'm not sure why, but everyone was doing it. Everyone else was dressed up too, so I didn't feel out of place. What a relief!

I'm an aviator! I even have planes on my socks and my diaper - that makes me more official.

Me and Dad. I'm looking pretty important here.

Here I am with my big cousin mouse. We're getting ready to go Trick or Treating!

Look at all my loot! Mum and Dad ate it all.

Except for this sucker. I got to inspect this for awhile.

I even had a taste!

That's Captain Max to you!

Hope you enjoyed checking out my holiday pictures! I can't wait for Christmas!