Friday, August 6, 2010

Daddy pats me too hard!

Today was dad's turn to hold Max.  Despite Rafael being less cuddly than Brienne, and despite his bum patting making Max feel like he's on the bumpiest ride ever, they hung out together for a short while.  Max was very alert and kept staring at both mum and dad with his wonderful, deep blue eyes.  Today was another one of those days where there was very little to report. Max is still getting better at breathing.  His feeds are making him less cranky (if you ignore the tube they need to insert and remove for feeding) and he's coming out of dips a lot faster than ever.  He's doing really well and his parents are super proud of him.  If he progresses at this rate, he should be onto nasal prongs (just those thin ones, like in the movies) in no time.

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