Today's visit with the little guy went pretty well. We got there and he was back on PSV and with 24-26% O2 levels. He was still triggering things a lot on his own and seemed to be doing well in keeping his oxygenation levels up. We took his temperature, fed him and just hung out for a while. He had his vóvó visit him today and he opened his eyes for her and was generally really pleasant and calm the entire time. Happily, this was one of those boring visits where nothing too much had changed and where we were told that it was all "same old, same old".
We decided later at night to visit him a second time. They had him back on the AC+VG because he had some "episodes" earlier in the evening. Nothing was really wrong, but it just seemed like he only had enough energy to do two things, and he decided that growing and digesting were more important right now than breathing. So, this meant that he needed a bit more help with it in the later part of the night, but was still doing ok. We were also told that he had his first voyage scheduled. In early August, the plan is to pack up some of his stuff, put him in a travel bed and take him to the Children's Hospital across town where he was going to see the ENT specialist. The reason they need to go there is because of the equipment they'd need to check into his breathing issues. The ongoing belief is still that his upper airways are too narrow. These tests will let us know one way or another and that means we'll be able to make better decisions about how to proceed with his care vis a vis his breathing.
All in all, today was a good day. Also, Max is getting a bit chubbier. His mum pointed out some lovely developing rolls on his arms. It's such a magnificent difference than before. We are so proud of our little ever-growing butterball.
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