Today was another day with Max where there isn't much to say other than he's cute and really seems to enjoy the idea of breastfeeding. He still hasn't gotten to the point where he can suck, swallow and breathe - in fact, he's still at the point where sucking leads nowhere in particular. He does, however, sincerely enjoy being at the breast and latches on with a voracity that's adorably aggressive. It's quite cute. With preemies, it's often times just a question of their brain "clicking" into the right mode before they suck, swallow and breathe without it being a big issue. He had a great cuddle with his mum today and was doing super well the entire day otherwise. Hopefully, he can maintain his good mood until his surgery on Friday.
Yesterday, he had a hearing test and it went very well. He responds well to voices, and hears well enough to hear us tell him we love him.
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