Max is doing as well as he can be right now. He's still intubated, and will probably remain intubated for a week and a half still. The current "plan" is to give him so more antibiotics while keeping him intubated in the hopes that his extubation in the future will have that much more of a chance at being successful. This will probably mean having a central line placed instead of a more temporary IV. Max will not like this. Ideally, they will extubate him as close to his next scope date as possible. Ideally, this will all go according to plan, and Max can be rid of these darn tubes soon after these things are done.
What Maximilian does enjoy are bathing and cuddling. When we got there, we got to bathe him. Again, it took four people, but again, Maximilian enjoyed the time beautifully. He really does love bath time. He didn't so much like it when we had to lift his chins to get at the little hiding creases around his neck, but he liked the entire process overall. Afterwards, he and his mum had a lengthy, drowsy snuggle for quite some time. Max fell asleep as he made Brienne's arm and bum go numb from her holding position. The arm falling asleep was definitely because of his increased weight. He weighed in at 3290g today (7lbs 4oz). He definitely carries most of his weight in his face, although his thighs and arms are chubbing up quite beautifully as well. All in all, he was in a great mood today and it was a lovely time spent.
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