Thursday, December 9, 2010

The transition.

The transition home has been an interesting one. Mum and Dad are enjoying the heck out of having such a beautiful little guy living with them. It's nice to have him in our environment and not have ourselves feel like visitors with our own son. It's lovely just having him there so that we can hold him and show him our love at all times.  He's become a bit of a cuddle-addict in the process; he just does not like being placed in his bed too often.  He's definitely getting better at showing his displeasure with certain things, and his little voice gets bigger and bigger every day. The routine with him is starting to coagulate, and his sleep schedule should make some sort of sense soon. For now though, we'll gladly take a bit of the chaos of having a new roommate over having to slog our way across town to visit the chubster at a hospital.

1 comment:

  1. yAY!!! We're so happy for you all! Best Christmas present EVER!
