Sunday, May 8, 2011

A lesson in Motherhood.

A year ago I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the little bean growing inside me. I couldn't wait to be a Mum. Apparently that bean was listening. Little did I know that less than a month later I would be thrust into motherhood three months earlier than expected. When I said I couldn't wait, that wasn't exactly what I meant!

Those first several months of motherhood were not what I had in mind. I knew being a parent wouldn't always be easy and I was certain to face some challenges - but I had no idea what was in store for me. The last 11 months have taught me more than I had learned the 29 years prior. Being Max's Mum has taught me more than just what it means to be a parent.

I've learned how to be patient - really, truly patient. I've learned to accept that you just can't control everything. I've learned to find joy in the little things. I've learned that I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was. I've learned that I'm a lot more fragile than I'd like to admit. I've learned that I have a breaking point. I've learned that I can push myself so much further than I thought possible. I've learned that I can't do it all. I've learned how to smile so much that it hurts. I've learned the real meaning of stress and exhaustion. I've learned to be truly thankful for all that I have. I've learned what it feels like to be willing to do anything for someone you love. I've learned that my marriage really can withstand anything. Most importantly, I've learned the meaning of unwavering, undying, unconditional love.  

So, to Max - thank you for making me the mother and person that I am today.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love this! It's all so true... the patience, the stress and worry, the unconditional love...

    Hope you had a blessed joyous day on Sunday. Lord knows you deserve it. Max is lucky. :)
