Thursday, December 6, 2012

A day for new beginnings

December 6th is a pretty special day in our house. Two years ago today we finally welcomed our Mighty Max into our home for the very first time. 185 days lapsed between his birthday on June 4th and the day he arrived home. It was a bumpy ride, but we made it.

So much has happened in the two and half short years he's been in our lives, and this space has been where we've told our story. We began this blog as a way to keep our far away friends and family tuned in while we navigated the stressful first weeks of the NICU, but it grew into much more than that. It's been a space for us to reflect on all we've been through as family in that time; a way to remember all those foggy days, all the ups and downs, defeats and victories; it's helped connect us to people going through similar struggles, and helped us feel a little less alone.

This blog was a place to document the very mighty beginnings of a very mighty kid, but it's time to close this chapter, and retire this space. This part of Max's story - the preemie chapter - has all but come to a close. We've shed the days of preemie worries - lung disease, tube feeds, reflux, medications, and doctor visit, after doctor visit, after doctor visit. We've traded them in for typical toddler stuff - first haircuts, first family vacations, first steps, testing limits, making messes, new foods, new friends, new adventures.

As our family gets ready to grow by just one more and we embark on new adventures as a family of four, it seems appropriate to leave this space as one that tells the story of Max's very Mighty beginnings.

Thanks for sharing in it with us.

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