I called in at around 3:30am and Maximilian was still doing well except that they had to stop his feeds temporarily while they waited for a bowel movement. It’s not worrisome, as all the signs point to his GI system being good, just “stuck”. They’re giving him a suppository in the hopes that it speeds things up a bit. I love the little currently-non-stinker.
We went to visit him today. He looked adorably comfortable. He pooped after the suppository and was doing very well today. Brienne got to change him. He’s apparently peeing so much that he has to wear diapers that are obviously bigger than they normally should be for someone his size. So once again, we’re riding the “Max is doing well” high. He’s back on protocol feeds. They had to start the cycle over again, and will hopefully be up to 10ml sometime by the first little bit of next week. If he manages to tolerate all of that, then the PICC line gets to come out.
We went to visit him again and it was phenomenal. He’s doing really well with everything still. The best part about tonight was that Brienne got to kanga-hold him for more than an hour. He fell asleep and tolerated it beautifully. It’s times like that, that I wish time would be able to just stand still forever. It was bliss.
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