We went and visited Max today. He wasn’t doing the greatest. His blood pressure was off kilter and they have him on meds trying their best to get it to a point where they want him. Essentially, because of the drastic change in his physiology due to the PDA procedure, his body isn’t adjusting itself as well as it could or should. They want him to pee so as to indicate that his pressure issues are getting under control. Generally, he’s been great at peeing, so it’s a mild surprise that he isn’t doing so more like he’s supposed to. On the plus side, his bowels have started working properly post-op, so that’s something. One of the doctors said that he’s stable but in a “critical post operative” situation. I’ll take that as a reasonably OK sign for now that he’s at least not crashing and not losing any major battles. He’s not currently winning the blood pressure battle, but it’s still within a tolerably controllable set of parameters. I hope little Maximilian finds the necessary strength and energy to push through this sooner rather than later. He’s been so strong, and we continue to ask so much of him. I wish I could give him all my strength.
Also, we bought him a stuffed bunny. It’s not his first stuffed gift, but it’s the first from us. And it’s cute.
We called the nursing station at around 7:15 tonight. His blood pressure had been brought up from 20/22 to 24/26 which is closer to the 28/32 at which they want him. He’s responding better to the drug regimen they have him on and they seem more optimistic about what’s going on with him right now. He still hasn’t made water, but often, when his blood pressure gets to the right spot, children will pee. If he gets stable enough, and within the right parameters, they may be able to give him some drugs to make him urinate then.
We saw Max again tonight. He was doing a bit better than before, but was basically the same. He had a few trickles of urine, but no outright urination. The worry there is that, if it doesn’t evolve into actually passing of urine, then it may result into acute kidney failure. This is as bad as it sounds, but, if dealt with accordingly would not damage him permanently. Still, it’s not a good thing. The kidneys are responsible for so much, that them failing can lead to many other physiological issues.
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