Friday, September 10, 2010

Bitter Sweet Birthday.

 Today Maximilian is 14 weeks old. Today is also Max's due date. Once upon a time we were sure that Max would still be curled up inside mum, quite content to float around for a few more days before making his kicking, screaming entrance into the world - when we'd find out that mum's suspicions were right and he was indeed a he. As it turns out, it really is true what they say: the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. You never plan for something like this, and nothing in the world could possibly have prepared us for the journey we've taken over the last few months. This wasn't the birth story we hoped our child would have, but Max has exceeded all of our expectations and is an inspiration to us. We've had up and down days, but we get up and move on because he does. He's been through so much and he fights his way through it all with a tenacity that astounds us. We've loved watching Max grow and seeing his personality develop. We've watched him meet milestones that most parents won't ever see their children go through. He's an amazing little boy and every day he makes us deeply proud to be his parents. Happy Birthday Max - we love you.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie told me about your blog and to check it out . The journey you've been on as a family makes me push forward through those rough days with my kids . I think your blog would be a wonderful encouragement and help for other parents in the same boat. Your blog today made me teary eyed (LOL). Your boy is so cute. He looks chubbier now then my three kids that were born full term .
    Ivy Lemke
