Friday, September 24, 2010

Dozing on a rainy afternoon.

When we saw Max today, he seemed pretty content just sleeping to his heart's content. He didn't do much today.  Well, he did some stuff. He downed 30ml in one sitting earlier in the day and did at least 10 for the remainder of them. He only had one or two "episodes" which lasted very little time and were barely worth mentioning.  Today was just one of those lazy, rain-filled afternoons for the little guy.  Hopefully, he'll continue to rest up as he's going on a bit of a trip on Monday.  The transport team will be picking up at 8:30 to take him to Health Sciences Centre. There, they will operate on him to repair his hernia issues.  We'd be lying if we didn't say we were a couple of nervous parents. We know that Max has gone through so much already and has done so well. We know that his last bit of surgery was more extreme than this one. We know all this, but we can't help but be nervous with such a eventful day ahead of us.  The surgery will be quick and he'll most likely be back at St. Boniface later that day.  Until then, we'll make sure to give Max a few extra hugs and try our best to prepare him for Monday.

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