Monday, September 6, 2010

A lot of boring news.

There isn't much to say about Maximilian today.  Mum had some good cuddles with him today.  We were going to try for some more kangaroo care/breast suckling, but Maximilian simply wasn't in the mood for it. He was a bit cranky due to his eye exams, and this seemed to have tuckered him out pretty well as he fell asleep almost immediately once he was on mum's chest. Overall he was having a great day though.  He had his eyes open for a while, was fairly interactive and managed to be cuter than ever just by existing.  They're back to full feeds, and they've re-introduced his vitamins and iron to the feeds. They're still holding off on re-adding the fortifying formula to the milk for a bit longer; they want to give his tummy time to readjust to normal feeds so that he doesn't have issues with them.  This is all because of the holding pattern they had him in for the past few days on account of the blood found in his stool.  Because of that holding pattern, he also gained very little weight. He's at 2523g (5lbs 9oz) now, which is an increase of a whole 15g.  We're expecting the next weigh-in to be a bit more robust.  So, yes. Today was just another regular day with Max.

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