Visiting the little guy today brought us more of the same, essentially. Brienne apprehensively tried to hold Maximilian and he - much as was expected - took to it poorly. He's still getting used to his new everything and is therefore in a super cranky mood. It's as if he's saying, "Just leave me alone until I figure this all out." This is a trait he definitely gets from his father. He gained 40g, which brings him to 1580g (3lbs8(ish)oz). It's not that much weight gain compared to the last time, but it's not bad considering he's been doing so much more work and had decreased feeds for a few days. Also, with fewer tubes, his weigh-ins have become more accurate to his actual weight. Overall, he was energetic and breathing really well and controlling his breathing and heart rate very well even when he had minor episodes. When we left him, he was resting comfortably and looking wonderfully chubby and serene.
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