Sunday, August 1, 2010

The day Max let us know his true feelings about tubes...

Brienne got to hold Max today. Some days, he's really cranky and just wants to be left alone. Today was definitely one of those times. They have re-upped his feeds almost to the point he was at before and they've found no issues with his blood tests in terms of infections or any other medical problems. He's tolerating food better than the last day or so and his tummy is visibly less bloated. He's still breathing well , mostly on his own, and he's still feisty as all heck (even with the sedative). He absolutely detests the current air contraption on his nose and most of his crankiness stems from it either pulling or pushing on his cute little Brienne-nose in one way or another.  Overall, he's doing a lot better than before and we're just in a holding pattern waiting for him to get better at breathing and growing. Basically, Max is back to being a bit boring and simply hates tubes. A lot. More than anything. Ever.

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