Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wild thing...I think I love you.

So, Max has officially busted through the 5lb barrier, weighing in at 2301grams (5lbs 1oz). He has developed some beefy little thighs, and several arm rolls. Never mind the chins - that boy is all cheek and chins.

Today, in addition to his feeds being increased he also started receiving a higher dose of his sedation meds - which, if it is at all possible, seem to have the complete opposite effect on him thus far. To put it politely, Max was a wild man today. We have never seen him quite so rilled up. We were sure at several points that he was going to get up and run straight out of there. It must be quite comical to watch three grown people trying to wrestle with a 5lb baby, but he is such a handful! It was all we could do to keep his hands in check and his head on the bed.
We did, however, have a calm 20 minutes or so, when Brienne tried the first bit of successful kangaroo care (skin to skin cuddles)  since Max has been on CPAP. It was quite evident in this position how much he had grown, as even with his head tucked up under mum's chin, his feet were resting in her lap (or kicking and dancing near the end of their cuddle time). It's so great to see him get so big.

Today was an entertaining visit to say the least, and even with Max's feisty attitude he managed to keep his breathing in check just fine. We have so much fun with the little guy, we just can't wait to get him home.

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