Monday, June 28, 2010

Yay Boredom!

We went to visit him late in the evening today. We got there and they had just re-intubated him as his previous intubation was becoming loose and the band-aid used to fasten it to his head had become rather saturated in his spit. He was quite fussy when we got there, but once the nurse changed him, he started to calm down again. Because of the “trauma” of the whole reintubation, we did not get to have Brienne hold him today. We did, however, get to watch him be awesome. His PICC had been removed as he no longer needed any fluids via IV since he’s now officially up to 10ml of EBM. We’re pretty stoked with this. He had another X-Ray today, and his lungs looked a bit hazy, but still on their way to being healthy. His FiO2 requirements were set in the low-mid twenties, so they will most likely switch him back to PSV ventilation in the next few days. All in all, today was another “boring Max day” which means that he’s doing well and we’re breathing easily.

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