Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Eating again.

We saw little Maximilian again today. He’s further progressing along the right path. His vital signs are good, his heart is doing what it needs to be doing and he’s still as fussy as possible J They gave him some more dobutamine and dopamine because everything now is an attempt at fine tuning the balance between his body doing its thing on its own and trying to minimize the stress this causes. Because of this, they sometimes give him drugs to help him with certain processes so as not to anger his little body too much. He is on the good path though, so that’s amazingly good. It’s interesting how much of a change can happen in just a few short days with this little guy. We are cautiously optimistic about his short term progress and also cautiously optimistic about his long term progress.

We visited him again just before 8pm tonight. His blood gases were good, his pee output was good, his poop output was good, his ability to cope without as many drugs as before is good. All in all, the news tonight was good. They’ve started feeding him 1cc of EBM again, which is awesome. Hopefully, this means that we’ll start seeing him gain a bit of weight in the near future.

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